Friday, October 21, 2022

Urban Legend

Scary Irish Urban Legends

Scary American Urban Legends

Scary Canadian Urban Legends

Scary Jack The Ripper urban legend

Scary Mexican Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary British Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Chinese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Korean Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Korean Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary British Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary American Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Chinese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Mexican Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Canadian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Irish Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Jack the Ripper Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary British Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Hospitol Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Bloody Mary Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Indian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Disney Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Swedish Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Cemetery Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary American Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Mcdonald's Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary French Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Chinese Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Pakistani Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Australian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Haunted Train Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Viking Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Filipino Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary French Urban Legends Part2

Top 10 Scary Korean Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary South African Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Ouija Board Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Malaysian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Mexican Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Californian Urban Legends

10 Creepy Urban Legends From Around the World

5 Creepiest Urban Legends

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends
Starting off at number 10 we have Teke-Teke. This is the Urban Legend about a girl who fell under a train and was cut in half. She became a vengeful spirit that moves using her hands and elbows, dragging herself while making the sound -Tek-Tek- … if you hear that noise, youre supposed to run. Those who are caught by the Tek Tek will recieve a fate like her - shes said to slash her victims in half so that they look like her, and possibly become wandering vengeful spirits as she is.

At number 9 now we have the Slit Mouthed Woman. You may recognise this one from a number of Japanese movies and TV shows. The traditional name for this being is Kuchi-sake-onna and dates back over 300 years ago. She is a woman who was brutally mutilated by her husband after he found she was having an affair with another Samurai. This left her in death as a restless spirit. She is said to cover her mouth with a cloth mask, a fan or a scarf. If you approach her, shell ask you if you think shes pretty. If you answer yes, she will remove the mask and when the victim screams they will be slashed from ear to ear until they look like her. Even if you say no, shes said to follow you home and brutally murder you that night.

Next up at number 8 we have Daruma-san. This urban legend is more of an old game passed down through the years. You shower in a bath, turn off the lights and chant -Daruma-san fell down- while you wash your hair … its said that you will see a woman in your mind. She is Daruma-San. Shell be standing up in a bath. Youll see her slip and fall onto an old rusty tap. It goes straight through her eye and kills her. Then, you will feel her ghostly presence behind you. If you turn around - there she is. Black tangled hair, rotting clothes, one eye is bloodshot and the other is just a bloody, hollow eye socket. The game continues even further than that if you dare, but I think thats enough for you to understand this creepy urban legend.

At number 7 now we have the Girl From The Gap. This Japanese story comes from peoples natural fear of what lies lurking in the cracks of a home. Do you ever see something move past the hinge of a door? Is that someone looking out from inside your wardrobe? Have you ever pictured a hand reaching out from between your bed and the floor? Well it could be the girl from the gap - a spirit that lives both physically and metaphorically -between worlds-. Its said that if you ever see her, she will ask if you want to play hide and seek. At that point the game is on. When you her between a gap again, shell drag you to an other worldly hell.

At number 6 now we have The Red Room. This is a very modern Japanese urban legend about a pop up ad thats red with black test. In a childs voice, it simply repeats the phrase -Do you like?-. A boy who got the popup tried to close it but it kept reappearing. Then, it changed to -Do you like red?- … he keeps trying to close it but it grows large and changes again to say -Do you like the red room?- … then, the site changes. All red and black. It has a list of names on it - his friends is at the bottom. And hand reaches out towards the boys neck from a video. tHE Ending gets even more twisted but guess what, its based on a real website. Its still out there. If you can find it, youll know the gruesome legend of the red room and if the horrible ending comes true for you.

Moving on to number 5 we have The Human Pillars. This legend dates back to ancient times in Japan where its known as Hito-bashira. Back then, there was a belief that a human sacrifice sealed inside a structure would make a foundation more stable. This means that many old Japanese buildings are said to contain the spirits of the people who were sacrificed during their construction. One famous example is Matsue Castle where a woman was sealed inside the foundations during its construction. Now her spirit is said to haunt the castle and whenever a woman dances there, the castle shakes violently. Many building owners in Japan are open about their building being a Human Pillar.

Next up at number 4 we have The Snake Woman. This one comes from the old Japanese folklore pf Nure-onna which translates to wet woman. She is often described as having the head of a woman and the body of a snake - with long claws, snake eyes and jet black hair.  She carries with her a childlike bundle to lure in her victims. If a person tries to pick up the baby, they find its not a child at all. The bundle then becomes very heavy and stops the victim from fleeing. The snake woman then uses her long tongue to suck all of the blood from the victims body until they die.

At number 3 now we have Onibaba. She is a demon women that often appears in Japanese folk folklore. She will often appear as an old woman asking for help but if you get to close, she will slice you open with a knife and eat you. She is said to be the tormented spirit of a woman who accidently killed her pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild in an effort to find a cure for her friends child being sick. She was told to bring them the liver of an unborn child but when she finally killed her victims, she found they were her own family.

At number 2 now we have The Dream School. This one is extra creepy because apparently if you don't forget it within a week - it will happen to you. Lets see if this is true. One night, a boy had a dream about a school. The hallways looped forever, bringing him back to the start. Staircases led back to the first floor. As he got scared, he heard footsteps behind him. He ran until he found an emergency exit with a glass box and a key next to it. The glass had been smashed and there was a note saying it could be found in room 108. When he found that room, it was empty - no students - but there were backpacks hanging off every chair. There was a pounding on the door. He opened it, terrified, to find the hallways covered with dead children. Its said that he never woke up from his dream and if you don't forget the story in one week, youll meet the same fate. Don't worry though guys

And finally at number 1 we have Onryo. This is a traditional Japanese belief about a vengeful spirt that can and will physically hurt the living. Its a very scary concept if youre only familiar with the western idea of ghosts which don't really take solid forms and so cant hurt humans with physical contact. Thats not true for an Onryo. They are vengeful and full of hate, stopping at nothing to enact the suffering they received when they were alive. For any of you guys who have seen The Grudge, this spirit is the influence for that creepy girl in that movie.

3 Blood Chilling Cases of Killer Kids

3 Blood Chilling Cases of Killer Kids

3. Anthony Jacques Broussard
Milpitas is a sleepy city just north of San Jose, California. In the early 1980s the city had a population of about 38,000 people. According to the newspaper San Francisco Weekly, it was best known for being the home of a large landfill. On November 3rd, 1981 14-year-old Marcy Conrad skipped her afternoon classes at Milpitas High School, and she went to the home of Anthony Jacques Broussard. Broussard was 16 years old and he attended the same high school. Broussard was a large young man. He stood 6 foot 4 and he weighed 240 pounds. Broussard was apparently on LSD that afternoon. He said Marcy was sitting on his lap, and then she said something he didn't like. Apparently, she teased him about his dead mother. When Broussard was 7 he found his mother dead from natural causes in the shower. After her death, Broussard apparently started acting strangely.

After she made the crack about his dead mother, he got angry and strangled her to death. Afterward, he violated the ninth grader's body. Once he was finished with her, he placed her body in the back of his pickup truck and he drove to the outskirts of the city. He dumped her half-naked body in a wooded ravine and drove off. When Marcy didn't come home that night her mother reported her missing. Just over 24 hours later Broussard's friends were hanging out at a local arcade. When Broussard got there he bragged to his friends that he had killed Marcy. They didn't believe him. To prove it, he took a group of them out to the ravine. One of the young people who saw the body was an ex-boyfriend of Marcy's and the ex-boyfriend's eight-year-old brother.

At first they thought the body was a mannequin, so someone poked the body with a stick. When they realized the body was real, they weren't sure if she was dead. One boy apparently dropped a rock on her head to test for signs of life. That proved she was dead. Amazingly, none of the kids told the police or their parents about the murder. The next day Broussard attended school, and he bragged to more people about the murder. He again took groups of people out to see the body. One of the people who went to see the body was 16-year-old Kirk Rasmussen.

Rasmussen asked Roussard why he killed Marcy, but apparently Roussard just laughed. Before leaving the ravine, Rasmussen put leaves over the body to try and conceal it. In total, Roussard took at least 12 fellow-teenagers and an eight-year-old to see Marcy's body. It wasn't until the afternoon of November 5th, about 48 hours after Marcy was killed that one of the kids who saw the body finally went to the police. He was part of the first group of kids to see the body. He said that as he had dinner that night with his family and sat in classes the next day he kept thinking about seeing her body.

Around the same time, another person who saw the body on the second day called the police. The police went to the ravine and they found the body. As the police were blocking off the crime scene, more teenagers drove up to look at the body. When they saw the police, they turned around and drove away. Broussard was arrested and the teenagers who saw the body were brought in for questioning. They were asked why they didn't go to the police. Some said that they didn't want Broussard to get in trouble. A few said that they didn't want the police to think that they were involved in the murder, so they chose to keep quiet.

After Broussard was arrested, two sisters, who were 13 and 14, went to the police and said that Broussard had sexually assaulted them. In exchange for dropping the two sexual assault charges involving the sisters Broussard agree to a prison term of 25 years to life. Rasmussen was given three years for trying to hide the body. He was the only other teenager convicted in connection with the murder. The murder, and the fact that the other kids knew about it yet no one reported it for nearly 24 hours shocked people across the country. Violent movies and heavy-metal music were blamed for the murder and the callousness of not just the killer, but the other teenagers who said and did nothing after seeing the dead body of their fellow schoolmate. Broussard has been eligible for parole since October 1997, but he has never been granted it. At the time of this video he is 53 years old and he is incarcerated at the correctional training facility in Soledad, California.

2. Joshua Phillips
November 3rd, 1999 was a nice, cool day in Jacksonville, Florida. Around 5 o'clock that afternoon eight-year-old Maddie Clifton told her mom Sheila that she was going out to play. They lived on a quiet street and Maddie was a good kid, so Sheila wasn't too worried about her youngest daughter going out to play. At 6:30 Sheila called out for Maddie and her sister to come home for dinner. Only Maddie's sister returned home. She said she had not been playing with Maddie, and she didn't know where she was. Sheila and her husband Steve decided to call 911 right away and the police arrived shortly afterward.

Search crews were made up from people in the neighborhood, and they looked for the little girl. Over the next 7 days hundreds of people searched for Maddie, but no trace of her could be found. It was like she walked through a hole in reality and vanished. Seven days after Maddie vanished, a neighbor of the Clifton's, Missy Phillips, was cleaning up around her home. She lived across the road from the Cliftons with her husband, Steve, and her 14-year-old son, Joshua. Missy, Steve and Joshua all helped look for Maddie on the first night that she went missing.

By most accounts Joshua Phillips was just a typical teenager. He had a C-average in school, he liked baseball and he liked hanging out with his friends. While Missy was cleaning up, she noticed some liquid near the base of her son's water bed. She thought that the bed might be leaking, which would explain the horrible smell that has started emanating from his room. She lifted the mattress and saw a small, discolored human foot. She dropped the mattress, walked outside and found a police officer. She led the officer into her son's bedroom. Hidden in the base of the water bed was the body of Maddie Clifton.

One of the boards of the bed space was broken, and it was held in place with tape. Maddie's body was stuffed into the base, and then the board was put back in place to conceal the body. For six nights Joshua slept in the bed while Maddie's body decomposed below him. Maddie was naked from the waist down, but there were no signs of sexual assault. Her pants and her underwear were hidden under the bed with her. Joshua also made attempts to cover up the smell. Beside his bed there were air fresheners and incense. They were sitting beside one of Maddie's missing persons posters.

The police had searched the Phillips house three times before and they even noticed an unusual smell. Missy said that the smell was probably just from their pet birds. Joshua was at school when the body was discovered. He was pulled out of class and brought to the police station. With his dad by his side Joshua confessed. He said that on the day that Maddie was killed, she came over to his house and wanted to play baseball. Joshua told her that he couldn't play, but she kept pestering him. He relented and they went into his backyard to play baseball. Joshua said that he was batting and he hit a ball that struck Maddie in the head. It caused her to start bleeding and she started screaming.

Joshua said he panicked and he dragged Maddie from his backyard into his bedroom. While he was dragging her, she lost the bottom half of her clothes. In the bedroom, Maddie kept screaming and he began to panic more. Joshua's father had a strict rule that Joshua wasn't allowed to have other children in the house when no adults were there and his father would be home at any time. Joshua said to get Maddie to stop screaming he hit her in the head with his baseball bat three times. He then stabbed her three times in the throat. He stuffed her body under his bed and left her there. His father arrived home not long afterward.

After his father was in the house, Joshua heard Maddie moaning, and he realized that she wasn't dead. So we went back into his bedroom, pulled out her body stabbed her a few more times in the chest, and then pushed her back under the bed. The police found both the baseball bat and the knife hidden in his room. Several months later Joshua went to trial. He was charged with first-degree murder, and even though he was only 14, he was charged  as an adult. Joshua's defense was that Maddie's murder was a bad decision he made because he was panicking or at the very least it was not premeditated.

Therefore he should be guilty of manslaughter or second-degree murder, but not first-degree murder. The prosecutor said that Joshua was lying about what happened, and he said that Joshua was a monster. The prosecutor introduced the autopsy report as evidence. The report said the Maddie had been struck three times in the head with the baseball bat, and she had been stabbed ten times. Three times in the throat and then seven times in the chest. The chest wounds happened after his father arrived home. Maddie was still alive after the second round of stabbings, and she died after she was stuffed back under the bed.

The prosecutor pointed out that there was no physical evidence backing up Joshua's version of events. He said that they were playing baseball, and Maddie was hit in the head with the baseball, resulting in a cut on her head. Joshua said he then dragged Maddie from the backyard into his house and into his bedroom. The first problem is that Maddie didn't have a cut on her head. Also, there was no blood found anywhere else other than Joshua's bedroom. Finally, neither Maddie's body nor her clothes had any dirt or twigs on them. The prosecutor introduced evidence that before Maddie was killed, Joshua was at home looking at violent pornography.

After he killed her, he went back to looking at porn. However, Maddie had not been sexually assaulted. Something odd that was found in Joshua's room was a photograph of Maddie's 11-year -old sister. The Clifton's home had been broken into before the murder and it is suspected that Joshua was the one who broke in and he stole the photograph then. Joshua's defense attorney rested without calling a single witness. He just told the jury that the death was the result of the fourteen-year-old panicking. The jury deliberated for just over two hours before finding Joshua guilty. At the age of 14 he was sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole. The Cliftons thought that the sentence was fair.

However, other people thought that locking up and throwing away the key on a 14-year-old was cruel and unusual punishment, even if his crime was horrifying. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that giving juveniles life without parole was unconstitutional. In the summer of 2017, Joshua was given a new sentencing hearing. The Clifton's feelings towards Joshua have changed slightly over the years. Sheila doesn't hate Joshua anymore, but she still doesn't think that he should ever leave prison. She says that Maddie doesn't get a second chance at life, so why should he?

Maddie's father and sister both agree with Sheila and think that Joshua should pay for what he did by living out the rest of his life in prison. The judge agreed with the Cliftons, and Joshua was re-sentenced to life in prison. Joshua has been in maximum security since the age of 15, and he has been a model prisoner. He graduated from high school and he got a college diploma as a legal assistant/paralegal. He helps tutor inmates who are trying to get their GED. He says that he is not a monster, he was just a kid who did something horrible. He hopes that one day he'll be released from prison.

1. Shinichiro Azuma
In February, 1997 the peaceful city of Kobe, Japan was rocked by a series of violent attacks on young girls. In two separate attacks, two pre-teen girls were struck in the head with a hammer. They luckily both survived. Just a month later, on March 16th, 1997 there was another pair of attacks. Ten-year-old Ayaka Yamashita was struck several times in the head with a hammer, and she was also stabbed in the head as well. She died as a result of her wounds. An hour after she was attacked, a second girl was attacked. She was stabbed and left to bleed to death. Luckily, she survived.

Murders, especially child murders, are very uncommon in Japan and everyone in Kobe was on edge. Then, a month later, the citizens of Kobe were shocked by another horrible crime. On May 21st, 11-year-old Jun Hase went missing. Jun was a boy, and all the other victims were girls and none of them went missing. The people of Kobe were wondering if a second person was preying on their children, or was the killer changing their modus operandi? Three days after Jun went missing, a custodian at a junior high school in Kobe made a horrifying discovery. Near the back gate of the school was the head of a young boy in a plastic bag.

The police were called, and they were also disturbed by what the custodian found. They were able to identify the head. It belonged to Jun. The head had been removed with a hacksaw, and the body wasn't at the school. The boy's eyes had been gouged out, and the sides of his mouth had been cut to make it look like a grotesque smile. Inside the boy's mouth there was a note written in red ink. In part, the note reads:

This is the beginning of the game. You police guys stop me if you can. I just really want to see people die. It is a thrill for me to commit murder. A bloody judgement is needed for my years of great bitterness. He signed off with the name Sakakibara Seito, which uses the Japanese symbols for the words 'sake', 'devil', 'rose' and 'sacred master'.

On June 6th, about two weeks after the murder, a local newspaper in Kobe received a letter written in red ink and signed off as Sakakibara Seito. The killer also added a designation that was written in English. He called himself 'The School Killer'. The police compared the handwriting to the note that was found in Jun's mouth, and they concluded that the letter was from the killer. In his letter, the killer discusses his hatred of the Japanese school system. He also wrote, "It's only when I kill that I'm liberated from the constant hatred that I suffer and I am able to attain peace.

It is only when I give pain to people that I can ease my own pain." He also wrote that he was mad because the newspaper had gotten his name wrong. They called him Onibara, which means 'devil's rose'. He then wrote, "From now, on if you misread my name or spoil my mood I will kill three vegetables a week. If you think I can only kill children, you are greatly mistaken." The newspaper decided to publish the letter, and it terrified the citizens of Kobe.

Children weren't allowed out of their parents sight and even adults were nervous that they may be the next person to be attacked. The police relentlessly pursued any lead that came their way. Near the end of June they got a tip from two boys who had been beaten up by a 14-year-old classmate. They said that the boy who beat them up, who was only identified as 'Boy A', may be responsible for the murders. 'Boy A' was the oldest of three children, and he was from a middle-class family. The boys thought that 'Boy A' may be responsible because he had killed several animals in very sadistic ways.

The police got a warrant and searched 'Boy A's bedroom. In his bedroom they found a journal detailing the murders of Jun and Ayaka. The diary entry for the day that Ayaka was murdered reads: "I carried out sacred experiments today to confirm how fragile human beings are. I think I hit her a few times, but I was too excited to remember." In the diary entry for the day after that, he writes that he learned that both girls he attacked didn't die. He was surprised that killing someone wasn't as easy as he thought.

The police found the hacksaw in a nearby pond and arrested 'Boy A'. At the police station he confessed to the two murders and the three other attacks. He said that when he killed Jun, he strangled him in the mountains and removed his head. He brought the head home first and then dropped it off at the school. 'Boy A' was convicted of the two murders, and in October 1997 he was sent to a juvenile reformatory. He was paroled in March 2004 at the age of 21, and his parole ended later that year, leaving him free with a clean record after serving just seven years.

In June 2015, 'Boy A', who was then 32 years old, found himself in the national headlines in Japan yet again. He wrote a book about his crimes and his time in the reformatory, and it was published by a major Japanese publisher. The book, is titled 'Zekka', which loosely translates to 'desperate song'. The families of the victims were appalled by the publication of the book. Before the publication of the book, the killer wrote the families an apology letter every year. When the book was published, he sent them a copy of the book along with another letter of apology.

The families were upset because they were not consulted before the book was published and they didn't think that the killer should profit off his crimes. The book was an instant bestseller and the initial run of a hundred thousand copies were all sold. The writer supposedly made fifteen million yen, which is about $US150,000 on the first printing of the book. In the epilogue of the book, the killer says that he is remorseful for his actions, but the content of the book made several people question if he really was sorry for what he did.

People suspected that he got enjoyment from reliving the attacks while writing the book. The book also contains shocking and lurid details about the murders that had not been made public. The most shocking claim in the book is that when he took Jun's head home, he locked himself in his bedroom and did something that was "far more heinous than murder". Months after the book was published Japan Today reported that 'Boy A' had launched a vanity website. The website was called 'The Unbearable Transparency of Being', and it featured several odd pieces of artwork.

They were pictures of a man, (presumably 'Boy A') and he was shirtless and wearing a mask. In one picture he is nude and it looks like a xenomorph from the Alien franchise is coming out his crotch. There is another photograph that features his torso on the body of a scorpion. Not long after the website was launched, a Japanese tabloid decided to break Japanese privacy laws and they revealed the identity of 'Boy A'. His name is Shinichiro Azuma. He currently lives in the Saitama Prefecture, which is north of Tokyo, where he works as a welder on construction sites.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

100 consejos para ahorrar dinero todos los días

100 consejos para ahorrar dinero todos los días

Poder ahorrar dinero mes tras mes es un hÃĄbito que debes forjar si quieres tener unas finanzas exitosas. De hecho, ahorrar es el primer paso hacia la libertad financiera.

Hay muchas formas de empezar a ahorrar sin sacrificarse necesariamente. Se trata mÃĄs de adaptarse a un consumismo mÃĄs consciente, manteniendo claras nuestras prioridades financieras.

La forma en que gastamos es un reflejo de nuestros valores y de lo que consideramos importante en nuestras vidas. Si tiene claro que compra su dinero de verdad, hacer recortes para ahorrar no debería ser un problema. Reduzca lo que siente que no le hace feliz o que no le sirve de nada en la vida.

Hay muchas formas de comenzar a ahorrar dependiendo de la prioridad de su vida, por lo que he dividido estos consejos de ahorro en categorías para que le resulte mÃĄs fÃĄcil decidir dÃģnde desea comenzar a ahorrar.

Presupuesto para ahorrar:

1. Siempre tenga un presupuesto para cada mes. Un presupuesto es la forma de decirle a su dinero dÃģnde debe ir antes de comenzar a gastarlo.
2. Deje que los ahorros sean lo primero que se debite de su salario. Automatice este pago cada mes con su cuenta de ahorros.
3. Establezca una meta clara a corto plazo. Vaya mes a mes. Aquí te muestro cÃģmo establecer tu plan de ahorro.
4. Empiece por ahorrar una pequeÃąa cantidad. Pueden costar $ 10 o $ 20. Lo importante es crear el hÃĄbito. Un buen sistema es el desafío de 52 semanas, en el que comienzas a ahorrar una pequeÃąa cantidad de dinero y gradualmente aumentas la cantidad.
5. Cree un sistema de ahorro que funcione para usted. Tienes tu propia forma particular de hacer las cosas, diferente a las demÃĄs. Pruebe primero el mÃĐtodo de ahorro que se adapte a su personalidad y vea si funciona en el transcurso de un mes.
6. No ahorre para ahorrar, ahorre porque planea hacer algo con su dinero. Cuando tengas tu plan, llÃĄmalo "ahorrar para ...": estudiar, viajar, pagar deudas, etc.
7. Tenga siempre una lista de compras con usted para evitar comprar lo que no necesita. A veces tu memoria te juega un mal pasado, así que siempre escribe lo que vas a comprar. Organice esa lista en orden de importancia, primero lo que mÃĄs necesita y luego lo que puede esperar. Esto te permitirÃĄ ser mÃĄs consciente de tus prioridades a la hora de gastar, posponer compras que no sean urgentes y distribuir tu dinero de forma mÃĄs equitativa. Consejo importante: compre solo lo que estÃĄ en su lista.
8. Pague en efectivo. Si tiene una tarjeta de crÃĐdito, no salga con ella. Las tarjetas en general crean la ilusiÃģn de no perder dinero. Cuando pagas en efectivo, realmente ves cÃģmo el dinero se te sale de las manos, por lo que es mÃĄs fÃĄcil controlar los gastos.
9. Limite la tentaciÃģn de gastar fuera de su presupuesto con una mesada. Destina un porcentaje de tu salario para gastarlo en lo que te gusta, ya sea semanal o mensual, de esta forma disfrutas pero sin perjudicar tus finanzas.

Cree un desafío para gastar menos:

10. Crea un mes sin gastos, me refiero a un mes donde solo gastas lo necesario.
11. Si le resulta demasiado difícil, intente los fines de semana o semanas enteras sin costo alguno.
12. Elija un producto determinado que no va a comprar durante un tiempo determinado. Si eres una persona compulsiva a comprar algo, comienza este desafío. El dinero que gastÃģ en ÃĐl lo puede ahorrar.
13. Posponga sus compras. Si estÃĄ realmente tentado a comprar algo, guÃĄrdelo para otro día o aplique la regla de las 48 horas. DescubrirÃĄs que pasado este tiempo te has olvidado o has perdido las ganas. Con esto aprendes a controlar tus emociones y no les permites que controlen tus decisiones. Es como cuando te peleas con tu pareja y para no ofenderla prefieres hablar cuando el ÃĄnimo se ha calmado.
14. MantÃĐngase alejado de sus factores desencadenantes de gastos. Cancela tu suscripciÃģn desde todos los lugares o pÃĄginas web que te animen a comprar. Elimina tu nombre de usuario y contraseÃąa y el historial de la pÃĄgina.
15. Reduzca su tiempo en las redes sociales, ya que le animan a copiar el estilo de vida y la ambiciÃģn de otras personas mÃĄs de lo que necesita. Si hicieras mi desafío durante un mes sin gastos, te darías cuenta de lo poco que necesitas para ser feliz.
16. Reduzca su plan de telefonía celular.

Hacer mas dinero:

17. Trate de ganar mÃĄs dinero. La mejor manera de aumentar sus ahorros es generando mÃĄs ingresos. Puedes empezar vendiendo artículos que no usas, trabajando horas extras, alquilando una habitaciÃģn en tu casa o dando clases particulares. Hay muchas opciones, elige la que mÃĄs te guste.
18. Deje de acumular artículos y venda lo que ya no usa. Tener mÃĄs cosas no te hace mÃĄs rico. Vende la ropa, los electrodomÃĐsticos y las pertenencias que no usas.
19. Negocie los precios de lo que compra. En nuestra cultura latina es un hÃĄbito normal. No se arrepienta y ofrezca un precio mÃĄs bajo, cualquier descuento es un amor para su billetera.
20. Verifique sus cuentas bancarias y vea quÃĐ gastos adicionales estÃĄ haciendo su banco. Si ve que su tipo de cuenta le cobra demasiado, averigÞe cÃģmo puede tener otro tipo de cuenta o cÃģmo puede reducir estos cargos. Por ejemplo, al revisar lo que me cobraron en un aÃąo casi me desmayo. Cuando fui al banco, me ofrecieron un tipo de cuenta que no cobra por mantenimiento de tarjetas de dÃĐbito sino por retiros en cajeros automÃĄticos. Desde entonces, solo hago un retiro por mes y me han liberado de los costos de mantenimiento mensuales.
21. Alquile una habitaciÃģn en su casa, el garaje o su coche.
22. Comparta su coche con otras personas y cobre la "tarifa".

Ahorre dinero en compras:

23. Evite las compras en temporada. Compre antes o despuÃĐs de fechas especiales para aprovechar los descuentos, las malas decisiones de Última hora, las multitudes y el estrÃĐs general.
24. Si vas a comprar algo que necesitas, busca promociones o fechas de descuento. TambiÃĐn puede utilizar cupones.
25. No compre cuando estÃĐ estresado, preocupado o molesto solo porque se siente mejor.
26. Siempre compare precios y no compre en el primer lugar que vea.
27. Compra en efectivo. No pague a plazos ni con tarjeta de crÃĐdito. AdemÃĄs, puedes recibir un descuento por pagar en efectivo.
28. Si prefiere pagar con su tarjeta de crÃĐdito los puntos o millas que acumule, realice compras en una Única cuota para no perder dinero en intereses.
29. Compra en tiendas online. Algunos son mÃĄs econÃģmicos. Le ahorran tiempo, estrÃĐs y la tentaciÃģn de comprar lo que no necesita.

Ahorre dinero en comida:

30. Basado en su menÚ semanal, tenga una lista de compras. Nunca salgas sin tu lista: terminarÃĄs comprando lo que no necesitas y yendo al supermercado muchas veces.
31. No vayas al supermercado solo por un artículo o dos porque terminas comprando por impulso o por capricho lo que no necesitas.
32. Consuma alimentos mÃĄs naturales y menos procesados.
33. Evite las comidas rÃĄpidas y coma constantemente en los restaurantes.
34. Haga un presupuesto de lo que come en casa y al aire libre.
35. Encuentra el supermercado mÃĄs barato de tu zona. Personalmente, prefiero los mercados porque sus productos son mÃĄs baratos (ya que hay menos intermediarios y los alquileres que pagan los locales son mÃĄs bajos).
36. Consuma menos carne y mÃĄs proteína vegetal. Las legumbres (frijoles, lentejas, garbanzos, guisantes, etc.) son una gran proteína si la combinas con un cereal (arroz, avena, quinua, etc.)
37. Congele inmediatamente las sobras para cualquier otro día (que no quiera cocinar).
38. Si tienes una familia numerosa, intenta comprar en grandes cantidades o donde venden al por mayor.
39. Si tiene que comer en el trabajo, prepare su comida ya sea para el almuerzo o los refrigerios.

Ahorre en pasatiempos:

40. Descargue libros gratuitos de Internet.
41. Visite la biblioteca mÃĄs cercana y lea sus libros.
42. Ve al cine los días con descuento.
43. Si te gusta el licor, busca Happy Hour en tus bares favoritos.
44. Asista a eventos culturales gratuitos en su ciudad, como exposiciones de arte, conciertos o giras.
45. Realiza una caminata ecolÃģgica o en bicicleta por las ÃĄreas verdes de tu ciudad.
46. Desconecte la televisiÃģn por cable. Dirígete a Netflix (cero comerciales) o dedícate a leer mÃĄs.
47. Convierta su aficiÃģn en un negocio: venda sus artesanías; aconseja a otros sobre cÃģmo vestirse bien; toca tu guitarra en bares locales, etc.
48. Salir de vacaciones o visitar sitios turísticos en temporada baja.
49. Organiza una comida compartida con tus amigos. Cada persona debe traer un plato para todos los invitados.

Ahorre en belleza:

50. Compre marcas genÃĐricas. Algunos ofrecen los mismos beneficios que los costosos productos de maraca.
51. Utilice productos mÃĄs naturales. La cocina es una gran fuente de productos de belleza ya que tu piel es una segunda boca.
52. Compre un frasco grande de aceite de coco virgen. Sirve como tratamiento capilar, crema para el cuerpo, manos y rostro, crema depiladora, desmaquillante, lubricante íntimo, crema para los brotes ademÃĄs de ser utilizado en la cocina.
53. Hacer un spa en casa con productos naturales.
54. Haz tu manicura y pedicura en casa.

Ahorre con la gente:

55. MantÃĐngase alejado de personas que lo motiven a gastar solo para satisfacer el placer del momento. En su lugar, rodÃĐese de personas que compartan sus intereses y que comprendan sus prioridades.
56. Discuta sus metas de ahorro con las personas mÃĄs importantes y cercanas a usted.
57. Hable con su pareja e hijos sobre la importancia de ahorrar y establezca metas juntos.
58. Si tienes hijos y sales con ellos, explícales antes de salir de casa que no van de compras y cuÃĄl es el propÃģsito de la salida. Cuando prepares a tu hijo para lo que se avecina, ÃĐl tendrÃĄ mÃĄs claro cÃģmo debe comportarse (ya te lo dije, yo era maestra de primaria). Recuerda no ceder a su rabieta y hablar constantemente con ÃĐl sobre la diferencia entre los lujos y las necesidades.
59. Pase mÃĄs tiempo con sus hijos en lugar de comprar mÃĄs juguetes o aparatos electrÃģnicos para compensar su presencia.
60. Ten citas libres con tu pareja: una copa de vino mirando las estrellas, un paseo por la ciudad, una noche de masajes, etc.

Ahorre dinero Minimalismo:

61. Compre lo que necesite y realmente lo va a utilizar. Dale a lo que compras una vida Útil en lugar de solo comprar.
62. Intercambia con tus conocidos o amigos objetos como libros, mÚsica, accesorios o ropa que no uses.
63. Compre productos de buena calidad que duren mucho tiempo.
64. Tener un armario combinable. Maneja ciertas prendas bÃĄsicas. Esto le ahorrarÃĄ tiempo y dinero al vestirse.
65. Tenga la menor cantidad posible de electrodomÃĐsticos y objetos en casa. QuÃĐdese con los que sean Útiles para diversos fines.
66. Viva en un lugar mÃĄs pequeÃąo, especialmente si vive solo o con una pareja.
67. Mantenga su casa ordenada y libre de objetos innecesarios y no tendrÃĄ que pagarle a nadie para que la limpie.
68. Repare los objetos o la ropa que aÚn funcionan en lugar de apresurarse a comprar algo nuevo.
69. Piensa que lo que tienes no te define. Aspira a ser en lugar de tener.

HÃĄbitos de ahorro de dinero:

70. Analiza lo que te hace feliz. VerÃĄs cÃģmo se reducen tus gastos.
71. Viva sano y haga ejercicio con frecuencia. Le ahorra dinero en tratamientos mÃĐdicos y enfoca su mente en lo positivo.
72. Sea muy claro que estÃĄ en su lista de necesidades y deseos.
73. Escriba lo que desea hacer con su dinero y cÃģmo desea aprovecharlo al mÃĄximo. Cuando tienes claro tu objetivo, ahorras en gastos inÚtiles que no estÃĄn de acuerdo con tu proyecto de vida.
74. Apague la TV, esto reduce el tiempo de exposiciÃģn a comerciales y todo tipo de disparadores de compras.
75. ReÚnase en casa con amigos, en lugar de salir con frecuencia.
76. No te compares con los demÃĄs. El hecho de que alguien tenga mÃĄs que tÚ no significa que sea mÃĄs feliz o viva mejor. Siempre habrÃĄ alguien que tenga menos o mÃĄs que tÚ.
77. Cada fin de semana, programe sus gastos para los prÃģximos siete días.
78. Revise su presupuesto constantemente.
79. Verifique sus facturas de servicios pÚblicos y bancarias en caso de errores o cargos excesivos por gastos que no haya relacionado.
80. Guarda las facturas a pagar en un lugar visible y ordenado para que no te olvides de pagarlas a tiempo.
81. Utilice una alcancía para ahorrar cambios o turnos. Se sorprenderÃĄ de cuÃĄnto puede ahorrar.
82. Antes de comprar pregÚntate: ¿Lo necesito o lo quiero? ¿Tengo en casa algo similar que cumpla la misma funciÃģn?
83. Piensa en positivo sobre el dinero, confía en que puedes ser parte de la abundancia que existe en el universo.
84. Cuando obtenga dinero extra, guÃĄrdelo en lugar de apresurarse a gastarlo.
85. Elimina tus malos hÃĄbitos como fumar, beber, comprar la lotería o cualquier adicciÃģn que tengas.

Aprenda a administrar su dinero:

86. Lea mÃĄs sobre finanzas personales.
87. Escuche, lea y hable con personas que manejan bien su dinero.
88. Visita tu banco y pregunta por las diferentes cuentas de ahorro que tienen y cÃģmo puedes ganar dinero con ellas.
89. Automatiza el pago de tus facturas y todo lo que puedas para que sean descontadas de tu cuenta bancaria.
90. Únase a grupos de Facebook cuyo tema se estÃĄ guardando.

Ahorre dinero con el seguro:

91. Tener un buen seguro mÃĐdico y de automÃģvil. Cuando llegue una emergencia, no tendrÃĄ que sacrificar sus ahorros ni endeudarse.

Ahorre dinero con deudas:
92. Procura refinanciar tus deudas y lograr un interÃĐs menor. TambiÃĐn puede cobrar todas sus deudas bancarias en una para ahorrar dinero, reducir el tiempo y crear facilidades de pago.
93. Pague las pequeÃąas deudas rÃĄpidamente. Luego, el dinero que utilizÃģ en ellos, Úselo para pagar sus principales deudas.
94. O primero para su mayor deuda, ya que ahorra dinero en intereses.

Ahorre dinero con impuestos:

95. Pague sus impuestos a tiempo para evitar cobrar intereses. Cuando pagas antes de la fecha límite, puedes obtener un descuento.

Ahorre dinero con la tecnología:
96. Descargue el editor de documentos de Google Drive en lugar de pagar por Microsoft.
97. Compra dispositivos tecnolÃģgicos de acuerdo a tus necesidades, no mega mÃĄquinas que solo usas para navegar por internet.

Ahorre dinero con el hogar:

98. No tenga 20 artículos de tocador en casa. Toma uno multiusos, basta con vinagre o lejía
99. No es necesario el suavizante de telas. Elige mejor tu jabÃģn de lavar, es suficiente.
100. Mantenga sus electrodomÃĐsticos adecuadamente.

100 conseils pour ÃĐconomiser de l'argent chaque jour

100 conseils pour ÃĐconomiser de l'argent chaque jour

Être capable d'ÃĐconomiser de l'argent mois aprÃĻs mois est une habitude que vous devez prendre si vous voulez avoir des finances rÃĐussies. En fait, l'ÃĐpargne est la premiÃĻre ÃĐtape vers la libertÃĐ financiÃĻre.

Il existe de nombreuses façons de commencer à ÃĐpargner sans nÃĐcessairement se sacrifier. Il s'agit davantage de s'adapter à un consumÃĐrisme plus conscient, de garder nos prioritÃĐs financiÃĻres claires.

La façon dont nous dÃĐpensons est le reflet de nos valeurs et de ce que nous considÃĐrons important dans nos vies. Si vous Êtes clair que vous achetez votre argent pour de vrai, faire des coupes pour ÃĐconomiser ne devrait pas Être un problÃĻme. RÃĐduisez ce que vous ressentez ne vous rend pas heureux ou n'est d'aucune utilitÃĐ dans votre vie.

Il existe de nombreuses façons de commencer à ÃĐpargner en fonction de votre prioritÃĐ dans la vie, c'est pourquoi j'ai divisÃĐ ces conseils d'ÃĐpargne en catÃĐgories pour vous permettre de dÃĐcider plus facilement oÃđ vous voulez commencer à ÃĐpargner.

Budget à ÃĐconomiser :

1. Ayez toujours un budget pour chaque mois. Un budget est le moyen de dire à votre argent oÃđ il doit aller avant de commencer à le dÃĐpenser.
2. Laissez l'ÃĐpargne Être la premiÃĻre chose qui est dÃĐbitÃĐe de votre salaire. Automatisez ce paiement chaque mois avec votre compte ÃĐpargne.
3. Fixez-vous un objectif clair et à court terme. Allez mois aprÃĻs mois. Je vous montre ici comment ÃĐtablir votre plan d'ÃĐpargne.
4. Commencez par ÃĐconomiser une petite somme. Ils peuvent coÃŧter 10 $ ou 20 $. L'important est de crÃĐer l'habitude. Un bon systÃĻme est le dÃĐfi de 52 semaines, oÃđ vous commencez à ÃĐconomiser une petite somme d'argent et augmentez progressivement le montant.
5. CrÃĐez un systÃĻme d'ÃĐpargne qui fonctionne pour vous. Vous avez votre propre façon de faire les choses, diffÃĐrente des autres. Essayez d'abord la mÃĐthode d'ÃĐpargne qui convient à votre personnalitÃĐ et voyez si cela fonctionne au cours d'un mois.
6. N'ÃĐconomisez pas pour ÃĐpargner, ÃĐpargnez parce que vous prÃĐvoyez faire quelque chose avec votre argent. Lorsque vous avez votre plan, appelez-le « ÃĐconomiser pour... » : ÃĐtudier, voyager, payer des dettes, etc.
7. Ayez toujours une liste de courses avec vous pour ÃĐviter d'acheter ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin. Parfois, votre mÃĐmoire vous joue un mauvais passÃĐ, alors ÃĐcrivez toujours ce que vous allez acheter. Organisez cette liste par ordre d'importance, d'abord ce dont vous avez le plus besoin, puis ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre. Cela vous permettra d'Être plus conscient de vos prioritÃĐs en matiÃĻre de dÃĐpenses, de reporter les achats qui ne sont pas urgents et de rÃĐpartir votre argent de maniÃĻre plus ÃĐquitable. Conseil important : n'achetez que ce qui est sur votre liste.
8. Payez en espÃĻces . Si vous avez une carte de crÃĐdit, ne sortez pas avec. Les cartes en gÃĐnÃĐral crÃĐent l'illusion de ne pas perdre d'argent. Lorsque vous payez en espÃĻces, vous voyez vraiment comment l'argent sort de vos mains, il est donc plus facile de contrÃīler les dÃĐpenses.
9. Limitez la tentation de dÃĐpenser hors de votre budget avec une allocation. Allouez un pourcentage de votre salaire à dÃĐpenser sur ce que vous aimez, hebdomadaire ou mensuel, de cette façon vous profitez mais sans nuire à vos finances.

CrÃĐez un dÃĐfi pour dÃĐpenser moins :

10. CrÃĐez un mois sans dÃĐpenses, je veux dire un mois oÃđ vous ne dÃĐpensez que ce qui est nÃĐcessaire.
11. Si vous trouvez cela trop difficile, essayez des week-ends ou des semaines entiÃĻres sans frais.
12. Choisissez un certain produit que vous n'allez pas acheter pendant un certain temps. Si vous Êtes une personne compulsive pour acheter quelque chose, lancez ce dÃĐfi. L'argent que vous y avez dÃĐpensÃĐ, vous pouvez l'ÃĐconomiser.
13. Reportez vos achats. Si vous Êtes vraiment tentÃĐ d'acheter quelque chose, gardez-le pour un autre jour ou appliquez la rÃĻgle des 48 heures. Vous dÃĐcouvrirez qu'aprÃĻs ce temps vous avez oubliÃĐ ou vous avez perdu le dÃĐsir. Avec cela, vous apprenez à contrÃīler vos ÃĐmotions et ne leur permettez pas de contrÃīler vos dÃĐcisions. C'est comme lorsque vous vous disputez avec votre partenaire et pour ne pas l'offenser, vous prÃĐfÃĐrez parler lorsque l'ambiance s'est calmÃĐe.
14. Éloignez-vous de vos dÃĐclencheurs de dÃĐpenses. Annulez votre abonnement à partir de tous les lieux ou pages Web qui vous encouragent à acheter. Supprimez votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe ainsi que l'historique de la page.
15. RÃĐduisez votre temps sur les rÃĐseaux sociaux car ils vous encouragent à copier le style de vie et l'ambition des autres plus que nÃĐcessaire. Si vous releviez mon dÃĐfi pendant un mois sans frais, vous rÃĐaliseriez à quel point vous avez besoin de peu pour Être heureux.
16. RÃĐduisez votre forfait mobile.

Gagner plus d'argent:

17. Essayez de gagner plus d'argent. La meilleure façon de faire fructifier votre ÃĐpargne est de gÃĐnÃĐrer plus de revenus. Vous pouvez commencer par vendre des objets que vous n'utilisez pas, faire des heures supplÃĐmentaires, louer une chambre dans votre maison ou donner des cours particuliers. Il existe de nombreuses options, choisissez celle que vous aimez le plus.
18. ArrÊtez d'accumuler des objets et vendez ce que vous n'utilisez plus. Avoir plus de choses ne vous rend pas plus riche. Vendez les vÊtements, les appareils et les effets personnels que vous n'utilisez pas.
19. NÃĐgociez les prix de ce que vous achetez. Dans notre culture latino, c'est une habitude normale. Ne vous sentez pas dÃĐsolÃĐ et offrez un prix infÃĐrieur, toute remise est un amour pour votre portefeuille.
20. VÃĐrifiez vos comptes bancaires et voyez quelles dÃĐpenses supplÃĐmentaires votre banque fait. Si vous constatez que votre type de compte vous coÃŧte trop cher, dÃĐcouvrez comment vous pouvez avoir un autre type de compte ou comment rÃĐduire ces frais. Par exemple, lors de l'examen de ce qu'ils m'ont facturÃĐ en un an, je me suis presque ÃĐvanoui. Lorsque je suis allÃĐ Ã  la banque, ils m'ont proposÃĐ un type de compte qui ne facture pas la maintenance de la carte de dÃĐbit mais les retraits aux guichets automatiques. Depuis, je ne fais qu'un seul prÃĐlÃĻvement par mois et je suis libÃĐrÃĐ des frais d'entretien mensuels.
21. Louez une chambre dans votre maison, le garage ou votre voiture.
22. Partagez votre voiture avec d'autres personnes et facturez le "tarif".

Économisez de l'argent sur les achats :

23. Évitez de magasiner en saison. Achetez avant ou aprÃĻs des dates spÃĐciales pour profiter des remises, des mauvaises dÃĐcisions de derniÃĻre minute, de la foule et du stress gÃĐnÃĐral.
24. Si vous allez acheter quelque chose dont vous avez besoin, recherchez les promotions ou les dates de remise. Vous pouvez ÃĐgalement utiliser des coupons.
25. N'achetez pas lorsque vous Êtes stressÃĐ, inquiet ou contrariÃĐ simplement parce que vous vous sentez mieux.
26. Comparez toujours les prix et n'achetez pas au premier endroit que vous voyez.
27. Achat au comptant. Ne payez pas en plusieurs fois ou par carte de crÃĐdit. De plus, vous pouvez bÃĐnÃĐficier d'une rÃĐduction si vous payez en espÃĻces.
28. Si vous prÃĐfÃĐrez payer avec votre carte de crÃĐdit les points ou miles que vous accumulez, effectuez vos achats en une seule fois afin de ne pas perdre d'argent en intÃĐrÊts.
29. Achetez dans les magasins en ligne. Certains sont moins chers. Ils vous font gagner du temps, du stress, et vous permettent d'Être tentÃĐs d'acheter ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin.

Économisez de l'argent sur la nourriture :

30. En fonction de votre menu hebdomadaire, ayez une liste de courses. Ne sortez jamais sans votre liste : vous finirez par acheter ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin et aller plusieurs fois au supermarchÃĐ.
31. N'allez pas au supermarchÃĐ pour juste un article ou deux parce que vous finissez par acheter sur un coup de tÊte ou sur un coup de tÊte ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin.
32. Mangez des aliments plus naturels et moins transformÃĐs.
33. Évitez les fast-foods et mangez constamment au restaurant.
34. PrÃĐvoyez ce que vous mangez à la maison et à l'extÃĐrieur.
35. Trouvez le supermarchÃĐ le moins cher de votre rÃĐgion. Personnellement, je prÃĐfÃĻre les places de marchÃĐ car leurs produits sont moins chers (car il y a moins d'intermÃĐdiaires et les loyers payÃĐs par les locaux y sont moins ÃĐlevÃĐs).
36. Mangez moins de viande et plus de protÃĐines vÃĐgÃĐtales. Les lÃĐgumineuses (haricots, lentilles, pois chiches, pois, etc.) sont une excellente protÃĐine si vous les combinez avec une cÃĐrÃĐale (riz, flocons d'avoine, quinoa, etc.)
37. Congelez immÃĐdiatement vos restes pour n'importe quel autre jour (que vous ne voulez pas cuisiner).
38. Si vous avez une famille nombreuse, essayez d'acheter en grande quantitÃĐ ou là oÃđ ils vendent en gros.
39. Si vous devez manger au travail, emballez votre nourriture pour le dÃĐjeuner ou les collations.

Économisez sur les loisirs :

40. TÃĐlÃĐchargez des livres gratuits sur Internet.
41. Visitez la bibliothÃĻque la plus proche et lisez leurs livres.
42. Allez au cinÃĐma les jours de rÃĐduction.
43. Si vous aimez l'alcool, cherchez l'Happy Hour dans vos bars prÃĐfÃĐrÃĐs.
44. Assistez à des ÃĐvÃĐnements culturels gratuits dans votre ville tels que des expositions d'art, des concerts ou des visites.
45. Faites une promenade ÃĐcologique ou à vÃĐlo dans les espaces verts de votre ville.
46. Laissez tomber la tÃĐlÃĐvision par cÃĒble. Rendez-vous sur Netflix (zÃĐro publicitÃĐ) ou consacrez-vous à la lecture.
47. Transformez votre passe-temps en entreprise : vendez votre artisanat ; conseille les autres sur la façon de bien s'habiller; jouer de la guitare dans les bars locaux, etc.
48. Partir en vacances ou visiter des sites touristiques en basse saison.
49. Organisez un repas-partage avec vos amis. Chaque personne doit apporter une assiette pour tous les convives.

Économisez sur la beautÃĐ :

50. Achetez des marques gÃĐnÃĐriques. Certains offrent les mÊmes avantages que les produits maracas coÃŧteux.
51. Utilisez des produits plus naturels. La cuisine est une grande source de produits de beautÃĐ puisque votre peau est une seconde bouche.
52. Achetez un grand pot d'huile de noix de coco vierge. Il sert de traitement capillaire, de crÃĻme pour le corps, les mains et le visage, de crÃĻme ÃĐpilatrice, de dÃĐmaquillant, de lubrifiant intime, de crÃĻme pour les ÃĐruptions cutanÃĐes ainsi qu'en cuisine.
53. Faites un spa à la maison avec des produits naturels.
54. Faites votre manucure et pÃĐdicure à la maison.

Économisez avec des personnes :

55. Éloignez-vous des personnes qui vous motivent à dÃĐpenser juste pour satisfaire le plaisir du moment. Au lieu de cela, entourez-vous de personnes qui partagent vos intÃĐrÊts et qui comprennent vos prioritÃĐs.
56. Discutez de vos objectifs d'ÃĐpargne avec les personnes les plus importantes et les plus proches de vous.
57. Parlez à votre partenaire et à vos enfants de l'importance d'ÃĐpargner et fixez-vous des objectifs ensemble.
58. Si vous avez des enfants et que vous sortez avec eux, expliquez-leur avant de quitter la maison qu'ils ne vont pas faire les courses et quel est le but de la sortie. Lorsque vous prÃĐparerez votre fils à ce qui s'en vient, il saura plus clairement comment il doit se comporter (je vous l'ai dit, j'ÃĐtais institutrice). N'oubliez pas de ne pas cÃĐder à sa crise de colÃĻre et de lui parler constamment de la diffÃĐrence entre le luxe et les nÃĐcessitÃĐs.
59. Passez plus de temps avec vos enfants au lieu d'acheter plus de jouets ou d'appareils ÃĐlectroniques pour compenser votre prÃĐsence.
60. Avoir des rendez-vous libres avec votre partenaire : un verre de vin en regardant les ÃĐtoiles, une promenade dans la ville, une nuit de massages, etc.

Économisez de l'argent Minimalisme :

61. Achetez ce dont vous avez besoin et vous allez vraiment l'utiliser. Donnez à ce que vous achetez une durÃĐe de vie au lieu de simplement acheter.
62. Échangez des objets tels que des livres, de la musique, des accessoires ou des vÊtements que vous n'utilisez pas avec vos connaissances ou amis.
63. Achetez des produits de bonne qualitÃĐ qui durent longtemps.
64. Avoir un placard combinable . Manipulez certains vÊtements de base. Cela vous fera gagner du temps et de l'argent lorsque vous vous habillerez.
65. Ayez le moins d'appareils et d'objets possibles à la maison. Tenez-vous en à ceux qui sont utiles à diverses fins.
66. Vivez dans un endroit plus petit, surtout si vous vivez seul ou avec un partenaire.
67. Gardez votre maison bien rangÃĐe et exempte d'objets inutiles et vous n'aurez pas besoin de payer quelqu'un d'autre pour la nettoyer.
68. RÃĐparez les objets ou les vÊtements qui fonctionnent encore au lieu de vous prÃĐcipiter pour acheter quelque chose de nouveau.
69. Pensez que ce que vous avez ne vous dÃĐfinit pas. Il aspire à Être au lieu d'avoir.

Économisez de l'argent

70. Analysez ce qui vous rend heureux. Vous verrez comment vos dÃĐpenses sont rÃĐduites.
71. Vivez en bonne santÃĐ et faites de l'exercice frÃĐquemment. Cela vous fait ÃĐconomiser de l'argent sur les traitements mÃĐdicaux et concentre votre esprit sur le positif.
72. Soyez trÃĻs clair sur le fait que cela figure sur votre liste de besoins et de dÃĐsirs.
73. Écrivez ce que vous voulez faire avec votre argent et comment vous voulez en tirer le meilleur parti. Lorsque votre objectif est clair, vous ÃĐconomisez sur des dÃĐpenses inutiles et non conformes à votre projet de vie.
74. Éteignez le tÃĐlÃĐviseur, cela rÃĐduit le temps d'exposition aux publicitÃĐs et à toutes sortes de dÃĐclencheurs d'achat.
75. RÃĐunissez-vous à la maison avec des amis, au lieu de sortir frÃĐquemment.
76. Ne vous comparez pas aux autres. Ce n'est pas parce que quelqu'un a plus que vous qu'il est plus heureux ou qu'il vit mieux. Il y aura toujours quelqu'un qui aura moins ou plus que vous.
77. Chaque week-end, planifiez vos dÃĐpenses pour les sept prochains jours.
78. VÃĐrifiez votre budget en permanence.
79. VÃĐrifiez vos factures de services publics et bancaires en cas d'erreurs ou de frais excessifs pour des dÃĐpenses que vous n'avez pas liÃĐes.
80. Conservez les factures à payer dans un endroit visible et ordonnÃĐ afin de ne pas oublier de les payer à temps.
81. Utilisez une tirelire pour enregistrer la monnaie ou les virages. Vous serez surpris de voir combien vous pouvez ÃĐconomiser.
82. Avant d'acheter, demandez-vous : en ai-je besoin ou en ai-je envie ? Ai-je quelque chose de similaire à la maison qui remplit la mÊme fonction ?
83. Pensez positivement à l'argent, ayez confiance que vous pouvez faire partie de l'abondance qui existe dans l'univers.
84. Lorsque vous obtenez de l'argent supplÃĐmentaire, ÃĐconomisez-le au lieu de vous prÃĐcipiter pour le dÃĐpenser.
85. Coupez vos mauvaises habitudes comme fumer, boire, acheter à la loterie ou toute dÃĐpendance que vous avez.

En savoir plus sur la gestion de votre argent :

86. En savoir plus sur les finances personnelles.
87. Écoutez, lisez et parlez à des personnes qui savent bien gÃĐrer leur argent.
88. Visitez votre banque et renseignez-vous sur les diffÃĐrents comptes d'ÃĐpargne qu'ils ont et comment vous pouvez gagner de l'argent avec eux.
89. Automatisez le paiement de vos factures et ce que vous pouvez d'autre pour qu'elles soient dÃĐduites de votre compte bancaire.
90. Rejoignez des groupes Facebook dont le thÃĻme est en train d'enregistrer.

Économisez de l'argent avec l'assurance :

91. Avoir une bonne santÃĐ et une assurance automobile. En cas d'urgence, vous n'aurez pas à sacrifier vos ÃĐconomies ou à vous endetter.

Économisez de l'argent avec les dettes :

92. Cherchez à refinancer vos dettes et obtenez un taux d'intÃĐrÊt infÃĐrieur. Vous pouvez ÃĐgalement regrouper toutes vos dettes bancaires en une seule pour ÃĐconomiser de l'argent, gagner du temps et crÃĐer des facilitÃĐs de paiement.
93. Rembourser rapidement les petites dettes. Ensuite, l'argent que vous y avez utilisÃĐ, utilisez-le pour payer vos dettes importantes.
94. Ou pour votre plus grosse dette d'abord puisque vous ÃĐconomisez de l'argent sur les intÃĐrÊts.

Économisez de l'argent avec les taxes :

95. Payez vos impÃīts à temps pour ÃĐviter de facturer des intÃĐrÊts. Lorsque vous payez avant la date limite, vous pouvez bÃĐnÃĐficier d'une rÃĐduction.

Économisez de l'argent avec la technologie :

96. TÃĐlÃĐchargez l'ÃĐditeur de documents à partir de Google Drive au lieu de payer pour Microsoft.
97. Achetez des appareils technologiques en fonction de vos besoins, pas des mÃĐga-machines que vous utilisez uniquement pour surfer sur Internet.

Économisez de l'argent avec la maison :

98. Ne pas avoir 20 articles de toilette à la maison. Avoir un multi-usage, du vinaigre ou de l'eau de Javel suffisent
99. L'assouplissant n'est pas nÃĐcessaire. Choisissez mieux votre lessive, c'est suffisant.
100. Entretenez correctement vos appareils.

100 Tips to Save Money Every Day

100 Tips to Save Money Every Day

Being able to save money month after month is a habit that you must forge if you want to have a successful finances. In fact, saving is the first step to financial freedom.

There are many ways to start saving without necessarily sacrificing yourself. It's more about adapting to a more conscious consumerism, keeping our financial priorities clear.

The way we spend is a reflection of our values and what we consider important in our lives. If you are clear that you buy your money for real, making cuts to save should not be a problem. Cut back on what you feel does not make you happy or is of no use in your life.

There are many ways to start saving depending on your life priority, which is why I have divided these saving tips into categories to make it easier for you to decide where you want to start saving.

Budget to save:

1. Always have a budget for each month. A budget is the way to tell your money where it should go before you start spending it.
2. Let savings be the first thing that is debited from your salary. Automate this payment each month with your savings account.
3. Set a clear , short-term goal. Go month to month. Here I show you how to establish your savings plan.
4. Start by saving a small amount. They can be $ 10 or $ 20. The important thing is to create the habit . A good system is the 52-week challenge, where you start saving a small amount of money and gradually increase the amount.
5. Create a savings system that works for you. You have your own particular way of doing things, different from others. Try the savings method that suits your personality first and see if it works over the course of a month.
6. Don't save to save, save because you plan to do something with your money. When you have your plan, call it "saving for ...": studying, traveling, paying debts, etc.
7. Always have a shopping list with you to avoid buying what you don't need. Sometimes your memory plays bad pasts on you so always write what you are going to buy. Organize that list in order of importance, first what you need most and then what you can expect. This will allow you to be more aware of your priorities when it comes to spending, postpone purchases that are not urgent and distribute your money in a more equitable way. Important tip: buy only what is on your list.
8. Pay in cash . If you have a credit card, don't go out with it. Cards in general create the illusion of not losing money. When you pay in cash you really see how the money goes out of your hands so it is easier to control expenses.
9. Limit the temptation to spend out of your budget with an allowance. Allocate a percentage of your salary to spend on what you like, either weekly or monthly, in this way you enjoy but without harming your finances.

Create a challenge to spend less:

10. Create a month without expenses, I mean a month where you only spend what is necessary.
11. If you find it too difficult, try weekends or entire weeks at no cost.
12. Choose a certain product that you are not going to buy for a certain time. If you are a compulsive person to buy something, then start this challenge. The money you spent on it you can save.
13. Postpone your shopping. If you're really tempted to buy something, save it for another day or apply the 48-hour rule. You will discover that after this time you have forgotten or you have lost the desire. With this you learn to control your emotions and do not allow them to control your decisions. It's like when you have a fight with your partner and in order not to offend her, you prefer to speak when the mood has calmed down.
14. Stay away from your spending triggers. Cancel your subscription from all the places or web pages that encourage you to buy. Delete your username and password and the history of the page.
15. Reduce your time on social networks as they encourage you to copy other people's lifestyle and ambition more than you need. If you did my challenge for a month without expenses, you would realize how little you need to be happy.
16. Reduce your cell phone plan.

Make more money:

17. Try to earn more money. The best way to grow your savings is by generating more income. You can start by selling items you don't use, working overtime, renting a room in your house or giving private lessons. There are many options, choose the one you like the most.
18. Stop accumulating items and sell what you no longer use. Having more stuff doesn't make you richer. Sell the clothes, appliances and belongings that you do not use.
19. Negotiate the prices of what you buy. In our Latino culture it is a normal habit. Don't feel sorry and offer a lower price, any discount is a sweetheart for your wallet.
20. Check your bank accounts and see what extra expenses your bank is making. If you see that your type of account charges you too much, find out how another type of account you can have or how you can reduce these charges. For example, when reviewing what they charged me in a year I almost fainted. When I went to the bank, they offered me a type of account that does not charge for debit card maintenance but for ATM withdrawals. Since then I make only one withdrawal per month and I have been freed from monthly maintenance costs.
21. Rent a room in your house, the garage or your car.
22. Share your car with other people and charge the "fare".

Save money on purchases:

23. Avoid shopping in season. Shop before or after special dates to take advantage of discounts, bad last-minute decisions, crowds and overall stress.
24. If you are going to buy something you need, look for promotions or discount dates. You can also use coupons.
25. Don't buy when you're under stress, worried, or upset just because you feel better.
26. Always compare prices and don't buy in the first place you see.
27. Cash purchase. Do not pay in installments or using the credit card. In addition, you can receive a discount for paying in cash.
28. If you prefer to pay with your credit card for the points or miles you accumulate, make purchases at a single installment so as not to lose money on interest.
29. Buy in online stores. Some are cheaper. They save you time, stress, being tempted to buy what you don't need.

Save money on food:

30. Based on your weekly menu, have a shopping list. Never go out without your list: you will end up buying what you don't need and going to the supermarket many times.
31. Don't go to the supermarket for just an item or two because you end up buying on impulse or on a whim what you don't need.
32. Eat more natural and less processed foods.
33. Avoid fast foods and constantly eat at restaurants.
34. Budget what you eat at home and outside.
35. Find the cheapest supermarket in your area. Personally, I prefer market places because their products are cheaper (since there are fewer intermediaries and the rents paid by locals there are lower).
36. Eat less meat and more plant protein. Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, etc.) are a great protein if you combine it with a cereal (rice, oatmeal, quinoa, etc.)
37. Immediately freeze your leftovers for any other day (that you don't want to cook).
38. If you have a large family, try to buy in large quantities or where they sell wholesale.
39. If you must eat at work, pack your food either lunch or snacks.

Save Money on hobbies:

40. Download free books on the internet.
41. Visit the nearest library and read their books.
42. Go to the movies on discount days.
43. If you like liquor, look for Happy Hour at your favorite bars.
44. TAttend free cultural events in your city such as art exhibitions, concerts, or tours.
45. Go on an ecological walk or bike through the green areas of your city.
46. Drop cable TV. Head over to Netflix (zero commercials) or dedicate yourself to reading more.
47. Turn your hobby into a business: sell your crafts; advises others on how to dress well; play your guitar in local bars etc.
48. Go on vacation or visit tourist sites in low season.
49. Make a potluck with your friends. Each person must bring a plate for all the guests.

Save Money on Beauty:

50. Buy generic brands. Some offer the same benefits as expensive maraca products.
51. Use more natural products. The kitchen is a great source of beauty products since your skin is a second mouth.
52. Buy a large jar of virgin coconut oil. It serves as a hair treatment, cream for the body, hands and face, epilator cream, makeup remover, intimate lubricant, cream for breakouts as well as being used in the kitchen.
53. Make a spa at home with natural products.
54. Do your manicure and pedicure at home.

Save Money with People:

55. Stay away from people who motivate you to spend just to satisfy the pleasure of the moment. Instead, surround yourself with people who share your interests and who understand your priorities.
56. Discuss your savings goals with the most important and closest people to you.
57. Talk to your partner and children about the importance of saving and set goals together.
58. If you have children and you go out with them, explain to them before leaving home that they are not going shopping and what is the purpose of the outing.
When you prepare your son for what is coming, he will be more clear about how he should behave (I told you, I was a primary school teacher). Remember not to give in to his tantrum and constantly talk to him about the difference between luxuries and necessities.
59. Spend more time with your children instead of buying more toys or electronics to compensate for your presence.
60. Have free dates with your partner: a glass of wine watching the stars, a walk through the city, a night of massages, etc.

Save money Minimalism:

61. Buy what you need and you are really going to use it. Give what you buy a shelf life instead of just buying.
62. Exchange objects such as books, music, accessories or clothes that you do not use with your acquaintances or friends.
63. Buy good quality products that last a long time.
64. Have a combinable closet . Handle certain basic clothes. This will save you money and time when dressing.
65. Have as few appliances and objects at home as possible. Stick with those that are useful for various purposes.
66. Live in a smaller place, especially if you live alone or with a partner.
67. Keep your house tidy and free of unnecessary objects and you won't need to pay someone else to clean it.
68. Repair the objects or clothes that still work instead of rushing out to buy something new.
69. Think that what you have does not define you . He aspires to be instead of having.

Save Money Habits:

70. Analyze what makes you happy. You will see how your expenses are reduced.
71. Live healthy and exercise frequently. It saves you money on medical treatments and focuses your mind on the positive.
72. Be very clear that it is on your list of needs and wants.
73. Write what you want to do with your money and how you want to get the most out of it. When you have your goal clear, you save on useless expenses that are not in accordance with your life project.
74. Turn off the TV , this reduces the time exposed to commercials and all kinds of shopping triggers.
75. Get together at home with friends, instead of going out frequently.
76. Do not compare yourself with others. Just because someone has more than you does not mean that they are happier or live better. There will always be someone who has less or more than you.
77. Every weekend, schedule your expenses for the next seven days.
78. Check your budget constantly.
79. Check your utility and bank invoices in case of errors or excessive charges for expenses that you have not related.
80. Keep the bills to pay in a visible and orderly place so you don't forget to pay them on time.
81. Use a piggy bank to save change or turns. You will be surprised at how much you can save.
82. Before buying ask yourself: Do I need it or want it? Do I have something similar at home that fulfills the same function?
83. Think positive about money , trust that you can be part of the abundance that exists in the universe.
84. When you get extra money , save it instead of rushing out to spend it.
85. Cut your bad habits like smoking, drinking, buying the lottery or any addiction you have.

Learn about managing your money:

86. Read more about personal finance.
87. Listen, read, and talk to people who are good at handling their money.
88. Visit your bank and ask about the different savings accounts they have and how you can earn some money with them.
89. Automate the payment of your invoices and what else you can so that they are deducted from your bank account.
90. Join Facebook groups whose theme is saving.

Save Money with Insurance:

91. Have good health and car insurance. When emergencies come, you won't have to sacrifice your savings or go into debt.

Save Money with Debts:

92. Seek to refinance your debts and achieve a lower interest . You can also collect all your bank debts in one to save money, reduce time and create payment facilities.
93. Pay off small debts quickly. Then, the money you used in them, use it to pay your major debts.
94. Or for your biggest debt first since you save money on interest.

Save Money with Taxes:

95. Pay your taxes on time to avoid charging interest. When you pay before the deadline you can earn a discount.

Save Money with Technology:

96. Download document editor from google drive instead of paying for Microsoft.
97. Buy technological devices according to your needs, not mega machines that you only use to surf the internet.

Save Money with Home:

98. Don't have 20 toiletries at home. Have a multipurpose one, vinegar or bleach are enough
99. Fabric softener is not necessary. Choose your laundry soap better, it is enough.
100. Maintain your appliances properly.

100 wenke om elke dag geld te bespaar

100 wenke om elke dag geld te bespaar

Dit is 'n gewoonte om maandeliks geld te spaar as u suksesvol wil wees. Besparing is eintlik die eerste stap na finansiÃŦle vryheid.

Daar is baie maniere om te begin spaar sonder om jouself noodwendig op te offer. Dit gaan meer daaroor om aan te pas by 'n meer bewuste verbruiker, om ons finansiÃŦle prioriteite duidelik te hou.

Die manier waarop ons spandeer, weerspieÃŦl ons waardes en wat ons as belangrik in ons lewens ag. As u duidelik weet dat u geld regtig koop, behoort besnoeiings nie 'n probleem te wees nie. Besnoeiing aan wat u voel, maak u nie gelukkig of het geen nut in u lewe nie.

Afhangende van u lewensprioriteit, is daar baie maniere om te begin spaar, en daarom het ek hierdie wenke in kategorieÃŦ ingedeel om dit makliker te maak om te besluit waar u wil begin spaar.

Begroting om te bespaar:

1. Het altyd 'n begroting vir elke maand. 'N Begroting is 'n manier om u geld te vertel waarheen dit moet gaan voordat u dit begin bestee.
2. Laat spaargeld die eerste ding wees wat van u salaris afgetrek word. Outomatiseer hierdie betaling elke maand met u spaarrekening.
3. Stel 'n duidelike, korttermyndoelwit. Gaan maand tot maand. Hier wys ek u hoe u u spaarplan kan opstel.
4. Begin deur 'n klein hoeveelheid te bespaar. Hulle kan $ 10 of $ 20 beloop. Die belangrikste ding is om die gewoonte te skep. 'N Goeie stelsel is die uitdaging van 52 weke, waar u 'n klein hoeveelheid geld begin bespaar en die bedrag geleidelik verhoog.
5. Skep 'n spaarstelsel wat vir u werk. U het u eie manier van dinge doen, anders as ander. Probeer eers die besparingsmetode wat by u persoonlikheid pas, en kyk of dit in die loop van 'n maand werk.
6. Moenie spaar om te spaar nie, spaar omdat u van plan is om iets met u geld te doen. As u u plan het, noem dit 'spaar vir ...': studeer, reis, skuld betaal, ens.
7. Hou altyd 'n inkopielys by u om te voorkom dat u koop wat u nie nodig het nie. Soms speel u geheue slegte dinge oor u, dus skryf altyd wat u gaan koop. Organiseer die lys in volgorde van belangrikheid, eers wat u die nodigste het en dan wat u kan verwag. Dit sal u toelaat om meer bewus te wees van u prioriteite ten opsigte van besteding, aankope wat nie dringend is nie, uit te stel en u geld op 'n meer billike manier te versprei. Belangrike wenk: koop slegs wat op u lys is.
8. Betaal kontant. As u 'n kredietkaart het, moenie daarmee uitgaan nie. Kaartjies in die algemeen skep die illusie dat u nie geld verloor nie. As u kontant betaal, sien u regtig hoe die geld uit u hande gaan, sodat dit makliker is om uitgawes te beheer.
9. Beperk die versoeking om uit u begroting te bestee met 'n toelaag. Ken 'n persentasie van u salaris toe om te bestee aan wat u wil, weekliks of maandeliks, op hierdie manier wat u geniet, maar sonder om u finansies te benadeel.

Skep 'n uitdaging om minder te bestee:

10. Skep 'n maand sonder uitgawes, ek bedoel 'n maand waarin u slegs spandeer wat nodig is.
11. As u dit te moeilik vind, probeer naweke of hele weke gratis.
12. Kies 'n sekere produk wat u nie vir 'n sekere tyd gaan koop nie. As u 'n kompulsiewe persoon is om iets te koop, begin dan met hierdie uitdaging. Die geld wat u daaraan spandeer het, kan u bespaar.
13. Stel jou inkopies uit. As u regtig in die versoeking is om iets te koop, moet u dit vir 'n ander dag stoor of die 48-uur-reÃŦl toepas. U sal ontdek dat u na hierdie tyd vergeet het of dat u die begeerte verloor het. Hiermee leer u om u emosies te beheer en laat u nie toe om u besluite te beheer nie. Dit is soos wanneer jy met jou maat baklei en om haar nie aanstoot te gee nie, verkies jy om te praat as die bui bedaar het.
14. Bly weg van u uitgawesnellers. Kanselleer u intekening op al die plekke of webblaaie wat u aanmoedig om te koop. Vee u gebruikersnaam en wagwoord en die geskiedenis van die bladsy uit.
15. Verminder u tyd op sosiale netwerke, aangesien dit u aanmoedig om ander mense se leefstyl en ambisie meer na te dink as wat u nodig het. As u my uitdaging 'n maand lank sonder uitgawes sou doen, sou u besef hoe min u nodig het om gelukkig te wees.
16. Verminder u selfoonplan.

Verdien meer geld:

17. Probeer om meer geld te verdien. Die beste manier om u spaargeld te verhoog, is deur meer inkomste te genereer. U kan begin met die verkoop van items wat u nie gebruik nie, oortyd werk, 'n kamer in u huis huur of privaat lesse gee. Daar is baie opsies, kies die een waarvan u die meeste hou.
18. Hou op om items te versamel en verkoop dit wat u nie meer gebruik nie. Om meer goed te hÊ, maak jou nie ryker nie. Verkoop die klere, toestelle en besittings wat u nie gebruik nie.
19. Onderhandel oor die pryse van wat jy koop. In ons Latino -kultuur is dit 'n normale gewoonte. Moenie spyt wees nie en bied 'n laer prys; enige afslag is 'n geliefde vir u beursie.
20. Gaan u bankrekeninge na en kyk watter ekstra uitgawes u bank maak. As u sien dat u tipe rekening u te veel hef, moet u uitvind hoe u 'n ander tipe rekening kan hÊ of hoe u hierdie heffings kan verminder. Byvoorbeeld, as ek kyk na wat hulle my in 'n jaar gevra het, het ek amper flou geval. Toe ek na die bank gaan, bied hulle my 'n tipe rekening aan wat nie betaal word vir die onderhoud van die debietkaart nie, maar vir die onttrekkings van die OTM. Sedertdien maak ek slegs een onttrekking per maand en is ek bevry van maandelikse onderhoudskoste.
21. Huur 'n kamer in u huis, die motorhuis of u motor.
22. Deel jou motor met ander mense en hef die "tarief".

Bespaar geld op aankope:

23. Vermy inkopies in die seisoen. Koop voor of na spesiale datums om voordeel te trek uit afslag, slegte besluite op die laaste oomblik, skares en algehele spanning.
24. As u iets gaan koop wat u benodig, soek promosies of afslagdatums. U kan ook koepons gebruik.
25. Moenie koop as u onder spanning is nie, bekommerd of ontsteld is net omdat u beter voel.
26. Vergelyk altyd pryse en koop nie in die eerste plek wat u sien nie.
27. Kontantaankoop. Moenie in paaiemente of met die kredietkaart betaal nie. Boonop kan u afslag ontvang as u kontant betaal.
28. As u verkies om met u kredietkaart te betaal vir die punte of myl wat u versamel, doen aankope in 'n enkele paaiement om nie geld op rente te verloor nie.
29. Koop in aanlynwinkels. Sommige is goedkoper. Dit bespaar u tyd, spanning, word versoek om te koop wat u nie nodig het nie.

Bespaar geld op kos:

30. Maak 'n inkopielys op grond van u weeklikse spyskaart. Moet nooit sonder u lys uitgaan nie; u sal uiteindelik koop wat u nie nodig het nie en baie keer na die supermark gaan.
31. Moenie na die supermark gaan vir net 'n item of twee nie, want u koop op 'n impuls of in 'n gril wat u nie nodig het nie.
32. Eet meer natuurlike en minder verwerkte voedsel.
33. Vermy kitskos en eet voortdurend by restaurante.
34. Begroot wat u tuis en buite eet.
35. Vind die goedkoopste supermark in u omgewing. Persoonlik verkies ek markplekke omdat hul produkte goedkoper is (aangesien daar minder tussengangers is en die huurgeld wat die inwoners daar betaal, laer is).
36. Eet minder vleis en meer plantproteÃŊene. Peulgewasse (boontjies, lensies, kekerertjies, ertjies, ens.) Is 'n goeie proteÃŊen as jy dit met 'n graankos (rys, hawermout, quinoa, ens.)
37. Bevries u oorskiet onmiddellik vir 'n ander dag (wat u nie wil kook nie).
38. As u 'n groot gesin het, probeer om dit in groot hoeveelhede te koop of waar dit in die groothandel verkoop word.
39. As jy by die werk moet eet, pak jou kos saam as middagete of snacks.

Bespaar op stokperdjies:

40. Laai gratis boeke op die internet af.
41. Besoek die naaste biblioteek en lees hulle boeke.
42. Gaan na die flieks op afslagdae.
43. As jy van drank hou, soek dan Happy Hour by jou gunsteling kroeÃŦ.
44. TA Woon gratis kulturele geleenthede in u stad by, soos kunsuitstallings, konserte of toere.
45. Gaan stap op 'n ekologiese pad of fiets deur die groen gebiede van u stad.
46. Drop kabel -TV. Gaan na Netflix (nul advertensies) of spandeer u daaraan om meer te lees.
47. Maak van u stokperdjie 'n besigheid: verkoop u kunsvlyt; gee ander raad oor hoe om goed aan te trek; speel jou kitaar in plaaslike bars ens.
48. Gaan op vakansie of besoek toeristeplekke in die laagseisoen.
49. Maak 'n potjie saam met jou vriende. Elke persoon moet 'n bord vir al die gaste saambring.

Bespaar op skoonheid:

50. Koop generiese handelsmerke. Sommige bied dieselfde voordele as duur maraca -produkte.
51. Gebruik meer natuurlike produkte. Die kombuis is 'n uitstekende bron van skoonheidsprodukte, aangesien u vel 'n tweede mond is.
52. Koop 'n groot fles suiwer klapperolie. Dit dien as 'n haarbehandeling, room vir die liggaam, hande en gesig, epilatorroom, make -upverwyderaar, intieme smeermiddel, room vir uitbarstings en word ook in die kombuis gebruik.
53. Maak 'n spa tuis met natuurlike produkte.
54. Doen tuis jou manikuur en pedikuur.

Stoor saam met mense:

55. Bly weg van mense wat u motiveer om te bestee net om die plesier van die oomblik te bevredig. Omring jou eerder met mense wat jou belangstellings deel en wat jou prioriteite verstaan.
56. Bespreek u spaardoelwitte met die belangrikste en naaste mense aan u.
57. Praat met jou maat en kinders oor die belangrikheid van spaar en stel saam doelwitte.
58. As u kinders het en saam met hulle uitgaan, verduidelik aan hulle voordat u die huis verlaat dat hulle nie gaan inkopies doen nie en wat die doel van die uitstappie is. As u u seun voorberei op wat kom, sal hy duideliker wees hoe hy moet optree (ek het u gesÊ ek was 'n laerskoolonderwyser). Onthou om nie toe te gee aan sy tantrum nie en praat voortdurend met hom oor die verskil tussen luukshede en benodigdhede.
59. Spandeer meer tyd saam met u kinders in plaas daarvan om meer speelgoed of elektronika te koop om u teenwoordigheid te vergoed.
60. Neem gratis afsprake saam met u maat: 'n glas wyn wat na die sterre kyk, 'n wandeling deur die stad, 'n nag met massages, ens.

Bespaar geld Minimalisme:

61. Koop wat u nodig het, en u gaan dit regtig gebruik. Gee wat jy koop, 'n raklewe in plaas van net te koop.
62. Ruil voorwerpe uit soos boeke, musiek, bykomstighede of klere wat u nie saam met u kennisse of vriende gebruik nie.
63. Koop produkte van goeie gehalte wat lank hou.
64. Hou 'n kombineerbare kas. Hanteer sekere basiese klere. Dit sal u geld en tyd bespaar wanneer u aantrek.
65. Hou so min as moontlik toestelle en voorwerpe by die huis. Hou by die wat nuttig is vir verskillende doeleindes.
66. Woon op 'n kleiner plek, veral as u alleen of saam met 'n maat woon.
67. Hou u huis netjies en sonder onnodige voorwerpe, en u hoef nie iemand anders te betaal om dit skoon te maak nie.
68. Herstel die voorwerpe of klere wat nog werk, in plaas daarvan om uit te jaag om iets nuuts te koop.
69. Dink dat dit wat u het, u nie definieer nie. Hy streef daarna om te wees in plaas van om te hÊ.

Spaar geld gewoontes:

70. Ontleed wat jou gelukkig maak. U sal sien hoe u uitgawes verminder word.
71. Leef gesond en oefen gereeld. Dit bespaar u geld op mediese behandelings en fokus u op die positiewe.
72. Wees baie duidelik dat dit op u lys met behoeftes en begeertes is.
73. Skryf wat u met u geld wil doen en hoe u dit ten beste wil benut. As u u doel duidelik het, bespaar u op nuttelose uitgawes wat nie in ooreenstemming is met u lewensprojek nie.
74. Skakel die TV af, dit verminder die tyd wat aan advertensies en allerhande winkelsentrums blootgestel word.
75. Kom tuis saam met vriende, in plaas van gereeld uit te gaan.
76. Moenie jouself met ander vergelyk nie. Net omdat iemand meer as jy het, beteken dit nie dat hulle gelukkiger is of beter lewe nie. Daar sal altyd iemand wees wat minder of meer as jy het.
77. Skeduleer u uitgawes elke naweek vir die volgende sewe dae.
78. Gaan u begroting voortdurend na.
79. Kontroleer u nuts- en bankfakture in die geval van foute of buitensporige heffings vir uitgawes wat u nie verband hou nie.
80. Hou die rekeninge op 'n sigbare en ordelike plek, sodat u nie vergeet om dit betyds te betaal nie.
81. Gebruik 'n spaarvarkie om veranderinge of draaie te bespaar. U sal verbaas wees oor hoeveel u kan spaar.
82. Vra jouself af voor jy koop: het ek dit nodig of wil ek dit hÊ? Het ek tuis iets soortgelyks wat dieselfde funksie vervul?
83. Dink positief oor geld, vertrou dat u deel kan wees van die oorvloed wat in die heelal bestaan.
84. As u ekstra geld kry, spaar u dit in plaas daarvan om u geld uit te jaag.
85. Verminder u slegte gewoontes soos rook, drink, lotery koop of enige verslawing wat u het.

Lees meer oor die bestuur van u geld:

86. Lees meer oor persoonlike finansies.
87. Luister, lees en praat met mense wat goed is om hul geld te hanteer.
88. Besoek u bank en vra uit oor die verskillende spaarrekeninge wat hulle het en hoe u daarmee geld kan verdien.
89. Outomatiseer die betaling van u fakture en wat u nog meer kan doen, sodat dit van u bankrekening afgetrek word.
90. Sluit aan by Facebook -groepe wie se tema besparing is.

Bespaar geld met versekering:

91. Het goeie gesondheids- en motorversekering. In noodgevalle hoef u nie u spaargeld op te offer of in die skuld te kom nie.

Bespaar geld met skuld:
92. Probeer om u skuld te herfinansier en 'n laer rente te behaal. U kan ook al u bankskuld in een versamel om geld te bespaar, tyd te verminder en betaalfasiliteite te skep.
93. Betaal klein skulde vinnig af. Dan, die geld wat u daarin gebruik het, gebruik dit om u groot skuld te betaal.
94. Of eers vir u grootste skuld sedert u geld op rente bespaar.

Bespaar geld met belasting:

95. Betaal u belasting betyds om rente te hef. As u voor die sperdatum betaal, kan u afslag verdien.

Bespaar geld met tegnologie:

96. Laai die dokumentredakteur van Google Drive af in plaas daarvan om vir Microsoft te betaal.
97. Koop tegnologiese toestelle volgens u behoeftes, nie megamasjiene wat u slegs gebruik om op die internet te blaai nie.

Bespaar geld met die huis:

98. Moenie 20 toiletware by die huis hÊ nie. Het 'n veeldoelige een, asyn of bleikmiddel is genoeg.
99. Wasverzachter is nie nodig nie. Kies jou wasseep beter, dit is genoeg.
100. Onderhou u toestelle behoorlik.